Sunday 19 July 2009

Pool Party and more...

So i think its fair to say that i have had a busy week. Ever since we got back from the camping trip i have been set to work and getting things ready for this week and next week. Its been really interesting work though and not something i have produced through gritted teeth. Luckily Jon gives me a free reign pretty much in terms of design and production. All he asks is that it is relevant and relates back to the original idea, which of course is fair enough.
Been lucky enough to do a few things this week with some people. Me and a guy called Gabe went out for some frozen yogurt on Wednesday which was cool. And i know that sounds slightly homosexual but it s in fact something that Americans do over here. And the frozen yogurt is flipping nice!!
I also went out on Friday night to the cinema to watch the new Johnny Depp film (public enemies). Now when i left for the USA i decided to buy a book from the airport to keep me busy. Now whenever i look through bookshelves i am looking for one of two things. Either it has to be an autobiography of someone of interest or it has to be a crime book, which is preferably based on a true story. Just like my dad, i am not a big reader. I don't know why I'm not because once i get engrossed in a book then i cant put it down. I just find it hard to justify spending three hours with my head in the middle of pages upon pages of paper, when i could be doing something more productive...
So i decided to buy the book on public enemies which the new Johnny Depp film is based upon. Now i really don't understand my fascination with anything that is violent because i really am not a violent person, in fact i only really had a couple fights with other kids growing up. I just knew i had a high pain threshold thanks to the numerous beating Danny was happy to shell out as a kid. Now they talk about brotherly love, but surely having to go home from school before period 2 has even started due to mild concussion should correct that bizarre phrase...needless to say, mum and dad took the typical approach which meant we were both to blame!! i still stand firm that it was his turn to do the dishwasher...
Anyways the film was excellent. Its funny how i have changed my views on films, i start to look at them in a different way now than i used to. I start to look at the angles they use, the special effects they use and types of editing. It doesn't necessarily mean i don't still enjoy the film because i start to analyze, it just means that i look deeper into the film, rather than the surface.
Had a relaxing day yesterday in 33degree heat :) Kim said that i had caught some colour....Back of the net!!
Got a big talk down at the church tonight so I'm helping set up early. I think were expecting quite a lot of people because some lucky local pizzeria will have an order for 60 pizzas to deliver by 7:45pm tonight.
Glad I'm not working!!


  1. Mate, let's get one thing straight!! My disdain for reading is that I don't like it - period! Your reluctance to engage in the pastime has got nothing to do with "I just find it hard to justify spending three hours with my head in a book...when I could be doing something more productive".You mean like 3 hours on the X Box??!!

  2. exactly...i learn more and exercise my hands more :)
    just because your incapable of multitasking with both your hands and eyes at the same time...

  3. Oh I love these father, son chats ... Content not changed much over last 20yrs - just context xx

  4. And what's wrong with having your head in a good book may I ask? Far more intellectual than an X Box!!!!
    Obviously you can tell its not Dad posting this comment!

  5. Erm well i don't think Oor Wullie counts as an intellectual book....

    And its fine...your a woman...its part and parcel of the female

    And you have never played Xbox!!


  6. Where has the Bard of Cornwall disappeared to??
    Chasing chucks????? :o)
    Lovely visual image ....
