Monday 13 July 2009

Lake Isabella

I've been over here for a few weeks now. And i think its strange how accustomed i have become to American culture. I'm noticing small changes in the way i speak and the words i say. For instance, saying 'I'm good' when someone offers something to me, which i don't want, or how i might great people etc. But don't fear, I'm teaching them plenty, in fact its quite funny when i say a slang word and it totally baffles them. I think it was last week when my mate Evan called me and asked 'what i was up to' and i replied "oh I'm just at the gaff" to which he replied "oh right cool, wait...erm.... what?!?!".

But i have to say, we do come up with some incredible words for slang. Thinking over the years i spent in school, there were so many words that people used to use for things. Even the words that were used in Leeds compared to Manchester differ. And language is a huge thing! the fact that our two nations speak the same language and on so many levels are incredibly similar is scary because in reality we are two very different countries....
And i don't just mean in terms of slang but also in the way we act. I've found that as Englishmen we are very reserved, we don't like to push too far out of our comfort zone. We need to keep one foot out of the water at all times. Americans on the other hand dive in head first. They go out of their way to make you feel welcome, and really put themselves out there in the open for all to see. And at times i think this is a trait that i would love to see in our country more. Its always nice to be able to go in most shops and someone will always great you and ask you how your day is going.

Anyways enough of my rambling...

So i know my Auntie will be happy to know that the the lake i visited this weekend was in fact named 'Lake Isabella'. But on first glance it wasn't the best looking lake i had ever seen, in fact it looked pretty shoddy. The camp that we had been allocated looked like a concrete square parking lot more suited to a Wolverhampton council estate. But, when you persevere (and have a stern word with the camp officials!) then good will come. We moved further down the lake to a much better suited camp right by the beach and lake. The weather was scorching (it reached 109degrees on Saturday), but luckily i have learnt over the years to drink plenty water and always top up the sun lotion :)

We were incredibly lucky to have a family come along with us named the 'Eden' family. They brought along their boat and the dad 'Rudy' spent the whole day Saturday taking all of us out on the boat to water ski and wake board. Unfortunately i couldn't take part myself but i definitely had a giggle at Jon when he took off on his ski's. You will be able to see the pictures soon. I will put them up...

I also had a chance to experiment a bit more with my photography, especially as i got to spend a bit more time with a guy called Blake who also shares the same interest.

I had an awesome time and got to meet some new people and start some new friendships. I have to say though...the best part of the trip was the last night. Sleeping on the beach looking up at the stars. The night was incredibly bright and you could everything. Every so often a shooting star would pass which would take up the conversation...


  1. Yup! That just about sums me up ... "...not the best looking - in fact, looks pretty shoddy ...but if you persevere , good will come!" LOL

  2. haha...i think you look good auntie Is :)
    and they wonder why im your favourite nephew ;)

  3. A night under the stars?! Somehow I don't think your dad would have been joining you - creepy crawlies? snakes? and the worst of all - frogs?! Going down the PO this am to post your oxo cubes. xx

  4. A few more posts like that buster and you might find yourself sliding down the family tree !!! ;o)xx
