Saturday 27 June 2009


It's early evening and its still in the 80's....this California weather is hard!! day after day of sunshine!! sorry to rub it...

Went for a walk yesterday to see whats in the local area. One thing i did notice, i was the only one walking!! nobody seems to have working legs over here because they all drive everywhere. Which is strange because within a 2mile radius i found the following:

(about 300m from Jon's house)
Taco bell (next to McDonald's)
7/11 (the equivalent of a co-op local)
In-n-out burger (the best fast food place ever!!)
Weinerschnitzel (hot dog fast food place)
Albertsons (supermarket)
Fresh and easy (supermarket)
About 10 car garages
Book store
2 thrift stores
am/pm (similar to 7/11)

And that's just from what i remember...

Got invited to go to the cinema last night with some of Jon's friends from his church. We went for some food first at a place called chili's. the food was your typical American food; wings, burgers, fries etc. The waiter found my driving license hilarious upon checking it for a beer. i think he thought it was girly because it was pink.

American cinema is incredibly different from British cinema. You will find people in the audience comment throughout the whole film. In most cases i would probably find it annoying and most likely want to tell them to quietly hush their pie hole, but i actually found it quite funny. Oh and transformers 2....WOW!! Brilliant film...

Woke up today and have just chilled out at the house, catching some rays and doing some reading etc...think i needed a day to relax and re-energize the batteries.

Tomorrow Jon and Kim return and it will be my first experience at grace church. I'm quite excited to see what it's like, no doubt many people will want to meet the new guy with a strange exotic Mancunian accent :) not to forget the endless quotes of Oliver Twist that they seem to have under their belts.

Not entirely sure what plans are ahead of me just yet. i will start my volunteer work on Monday most likely and get to meet more of the church staff then. Going on a camping trip to see the giant sequoia's in a couple weeks which i honestly cant wait for. No doubt it will be a main highlight of my stay here.


  1. Reading???? That'll be a first!
    Glad you're settling in well mate. Enjoy the sunshine, pool,in-and-out burgers... etc etc
    Anyway - about to go sit in the conservatory for my sunday afternoon read and snooze. Love u xxx

  2. Hope you took note of who was your #1 'friend' - your #1 Auntie :o)
    I'm hiding this list of local eateries or your cuz will be over next plane !! xx

  3. haha...its worrying me the amount of fast food places within a walking distance!!
