Friday 26 June 2009

Post Numero Un.

Currently struggling to accept that I'm wide awake at 7am in the morning here. But more than happy to go to bed at 9pm....
Arrived slightly early on the Wednesday at the airport. Jon and Kim picked me up which was nice as i hadn't met Kim yet. She's a lovely girl and full of enthusiasm. I'm sure we'll have some great laughs together during my time here.
The first port of call was food. Jon knowing his cousin well took me for a burrito at Chipotle. For the uneducated, Chipotle is a Mexican burrito fast food chain. The difference is that the food is fresh and the burritos are huuuge!!
The original idea was for me to stay with a family in their self contained flat but for the first two weeks i am staying with Jon and Kim as the family entertain a guest. I feel extremely grateful to them both for the way they have welcomed me into their home and made me feel so comfortable...
Yesterday we woke up early and hit Magic mountain; By far the best theme park i have ever been!!! Let's just say, in terms of rides, Alton Towers has nothing on this place. I don't think i have ever spent so much time upside down, spinning in weird and bizarre directions, traveling at what i felt was the speed of light!
Like most Theme parks, everything was expensive so we ventured out in the car for lunch. Now, most of us know that cars over there are big but we managed to fit 8 of us comfortably in this car and drive off without anyone saying a my second meal in the USA consisted of...yes that's right, another burrito.... and i promised myself that i wasn't going to get fat!! however, i do like the fact that everywhere has free refills on drinks. You get thirsty in this heat!!
All in all it was a brilliant first day over here. Today will be much more laid back, i think i might be going to the cinema later with some people i met yesterday and possibly run off my burrito belly if it's not too hot. (i have glanced at the weather forecast and I'm expecting 28, 31, 31 and 30 degree weather over the next 4 days! what a shame.... :)


  1. Does Kim know Jon has been married before????

  2. You better bring me back some Chipotle broseph! Glad you got there safe and sound.x

  3. Really missed you today as I worked up a major lather doing the gardening in the heat of the day. You and your bro have been such a tower of strength to me in that area down the years! Bet ar Jack's shoulders would be bouncing up and down with a grin all over his beetroot face knowing that his son's chickens had come home to roost in that particular department.
    The only break was to see the Lions defeated with the last kick of the game...really sucked! Course that means the series is lost.
    Hope you have a good pool parties whilst the hosts are away. Having said that Jon deserves everything he gets - I've never forgotten the way he and his brother traumatised your mum and I during several baby sitting trips in Blackpool, Halifax, Prestbury, to name but a few. You could become my "pay back time".
    Later my mate. xx

  4. ummmmmm chipotle!!! you know your jealous ar' mukka!!
    i can just imagine you working hard in the garden. i bet you went bare chest aswell!! haha. unfortunately theres no space in jons back garden for a footy game, the giant pool takes up all the space!;) small sacrifices ey!
    then again the church footy field is only across the road...
    will call you both soon and have a chat.

  5. I cannot imagine uncles Norman or Roy blogging their neph in the good ol US of A. Such is the speed of life in 2010 or is it still 2009? Anyroadup [as my little brother would start his next English language essay] I am delighted to hear that you are settling into life with the newlyweds. My advice is always eat at Chipotle or wherever when Mrs P is cooking at home!!! Enuff sed. I have spent most of today creating a google account sos I cud blog or twitter. Twittering is one of my life's regrets. If only I had patented the idea when your aunty Is was twittering like a gud un in the early 70's. Then there was your aunty Deb twittering like a good un in the late 90's. If you can unlock my numerous passwords you deserve respect cos I have already forgotten todays miracle word. Your aunty Ann is 53 this week so we are buying her six chickens called Blackpool/Preston/Halifax/ Macclesfield/Prestbury/Tytherington. Your landlord is Blackpool and Crunkin is Tytherington. Just preparing to leave for Oasis. Dont worry about the chicken secret! It takes your aunt 24 hours to log into hotmail so by the time she has worked the link to become a blogger it will be christmas. Tell Jon I am proud of him! it takes real strength of character to keep eating salads whilst you enjoy burritos/chicken/burgers/hot dogs/steaks etc. It is a quality he inherited from your grandad... This is my first blog so I wud welcome any feedback from you or your team of followers. On the basis that I am now one of your followers I assume that my life has hit a new low. Oli, if you have found the promised land and you are a modern day Abram [or Abraham as the liberal modernists know him] lead the rest of us from captivity to freedom. Did we have an Amen from the methodists in Knutsford or the charismatics in Bath or the old pathers in Wigan? Off to see Pip perform now. Never spiritually challenging but always a great laugh! Baloo bear

  6. I have to say your a natural at blogging!! if only you had realized earlier...
    Twittering is something that i still haven't been able to grasp yet, to constantly let everyone know what i'm doing at a certain point in the day. Can you imagine what type of things my dad would come out with...never mind my brother and life on the dole.
    i am getting better with my diet. Nearly a week in, i have tasted a skillet of vegetables. Unfortunately they surprised me with a side helping of buttermilk pancakes...
    anyways, i thought the promise land was old trafford?!;)

  7. Oi Baloo!!! I heard that little bro .... :o( Twittering! Moi?? As if :o)

    Spewing a stream of consciousness seems to come very naturally to you :o)

    Marcus was preaching at Longshoot on Sunday. He decided to do an OT jackanory type story of which his grandfather would be proud - but when I read his notes he'd written " Jack and Hoary " I actually thought he was referring to dad and asked him who Hoary was. Doh!!
