Monday 29 June 2009


For me, Monday had throughout my school years been known as the worst day of the week, a day marred by greyness and the heavy cloud of another 5 days before the weekend.
I only truly discovered Monday once i had left school and was able to live out my weeks in a different way. In fact, during my time out in Canada, Monday proved to be my favourite day of them all...

So you may ask what do i find so fascinating about Monday and why does it matter. Well Monday is the start of another week, the chance to start something fresh and do something different. It is also the day that you can leave behind the previous week. I always think that it's a good way to view Monday, to start the week off with a positive, rather than the negative we seem to associate it with.

Yesterday i had my first experience of Grace church. It was a slightly different set up than a usual service in the sense that they ran a forum. They also provide a chill out time at the end where people can socialize and enjoy snacks. Jon was the master of ceremonies, if you can say that?! He has a natural gift in his voice. It's quite incredible to look around the room and see the focus people have when he speaks....they were chatting and texting the whole time!!! im joking...

Afterward's i went out with some people to Denny's. Now for those of you that have never heard of Denny's then you have been blessed with luck. I can't even start to describe it, but i will try....think of a run down service station wimpy, crossed with a breakfast van at the side of an A-Road...I think its far to say i felt slightly disappointed to find that our end location consisted of food poisoning. But, In the end, the company were great and we had lot's of laughs... i just made sure i stuck to the coffee :)

Today i started my job as an intern. So what does an intern involve you may ask?! well as Kim and Dave (one of jon's close friends) kindly explained to me... "your basically his bi-atch"
And true to their word....i was!
He kindly asked me to fetch some milk from home so he could have a brew, edit some photo's for him, which were uploaded to picassa and speak to his family for him on skype, whilst he drew the latest news from bbc
Tonight i'm going to a meeting, some food, fellowship and ultimate frisbie. Im slightly worried about ultimate frisbie as i've never played it before and i've seen some of the guys here, their not small!! I'm sure it will be a good laugh.


  1. Mate, you gotta talk to me about this Monday philosophy! Seriously! Does it work for Tues, Weds and Thurs as well? You see, what you feel about Mondays - I get overwhelmed with on Fridays. Anyroadup...might give it a blast next week.
    Course the Everest in this Himalayan week is Wednesday!!! Nuff said.
    Now just to being abused out there by your cousin??!
    See, I'm letting no son of mine be anyone's woofta (canine to our American cousins).Granted, you've often been a pussy through your life (feline to our American cousins). But I'm looking for a rottweiler to return in Sept - a British bulldog if you will.
    The only thing I can say Ol, is that Jon's father was just the same to me. He invented Child Abuse.
    Have a gud 'un. xx

  2. See! I knew you were my son by another mother!!! :o) I love Monday's too and for the same reason. I like first days of the month too - and I think there's something else going on tomorrow - will have to see if I can remember :o)

    By the way, being the innocent I am, I wouldn't have known what you were talking about if my son hadn't used the term, lovingly :o) whilst asking for a butty to be delivered to his knee last week ... nearly got his head knocked off!!

    Make sure Jon doesn't try to sell you his puddings like his dad used to do!
    Hope you passed on the black un to jonny ...xxxx

  3. Hopefully today is a better day than yesterday Jonny's little b ;) (as in buddy of course!)
